
This is a gene expression database of three duck breeds which have very high quality refernce genomes. Before exploring differentially expressed genes, users are asked to select four items.
(1) Breed: duck breed, such as Pekin duck, Mucsovy duck and Shaoxing duck.
(2) Scientific problem: such as duck plague virus, influenza virus, hepatitis virus, organ development, egg formation, touch sensors, fatty liver and so on. ,a tissue and a treatment.
(3) Tissue: such as lung, spleen, intestine, abdominal fat, leg muscle, breast muscle, sebum, liver, ovary and so on.
(4) Treatment: such as timepoint, groups.
Users can search interested scientific issues and this database will check the infomation and display related genes.


RNA-seq data were download from NCBI SRA website (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/?term=). Raw reads were cleaned and mapped to the reference genome using "fastp" and "hisat2" softwares respectively. Genes expression was calculated using "featurecounts" and "limma" R packages.