Gene Network


As a compartment of PDD database, this website contains many gene networks about three duck breeds. Before exploring the network, users are asked to select four items.

(1) Breed: duck breed, such as Pekin duck, Mucsovy duck and Shaoxing duck.
(2) Scientific problem: such as duck plague virus, influenza virus, hepatitis virus, organ development, egg formation, touch sensors, fatty liver and so on. ,a tissue and a treatment.
(3) Tissue: such as lung, spleen, intestine, abdominal fat, leg muscle, breast muscle, sebum, liver, ovary and so on.
(4) Module: Modules are defined as clusters of densely interconnected genes.Modules with high trait significance may represent pathways associated with the sample trait. Genes with high module membership in modules related to traits

Users can search interested scientific issues and this database will check the infomation and display related genes.


RNA-seq data were download from NCBI SRA website (
Raw reads were cleaned and mapped to the reference genome using "fastp" and "hisat2" softwares respectively.
Genes expression was calculated using "featurecounts" and "limma" R packages.
Modules were calculated using "WGCNA" R package.
Gene network was visualized by cytoscake.js.